we are here to help
As a landlord or a tenant you have a lot at stake. Landlords need to be able to ensure they receive a return on their substantial investment. Rent needs to be received, and damages to property avoided. Tenants need their privacy respected and be free of unreasonable landlord intrusions.
There are tenants and Landlords who don’t keep up their part of tenancy agreements. In a personal context, landlords are left with unpaid rent, eviction challenges and property damage and theft. In a corporate / commercial context, tenants may remove fixtures or damage premises when a lease terminates, or just disappear in the middle of the night.
Preparation and execution of comprehensive documents can assist with ensuring everyone knows the rules of the landlord and tenant relationship. If things come apart, you will likely want a lawyer who will help you to communicate with the other side in an effort to resolve concerns with minimal time and expense. If communication and other resolution options are unsuccessful, we can represent you in the courts and other tribunals.
There is much law on what landlords and tenants can, and cannot do. We’ll help you to know your rights and obligations. We’ll also help you to take steps that are more likely to help you to be ready if your matter proceeds before the courts. Please also see our comments in the Civil Litigation section of our website.
Things to Consider …
Whether you have a personal or commercial relationship:
- Has a Tenancy Agreement or Lease been signed?
- Did all signors have the authority to bind a party to the agreement?
- Have you taken all steps needed to ensure you are the “good guy”?
- Is your agreement based on a template or previous version?
- Do you have unusual circumstances that require a novel solution?
How we can Help
We advise, prepare documents and litigate as needed.
- We prepare and review tenancy agreements and leases
- We advise you as to your rights, obligations and the state of the law
- We negotiate with the other parties
- We prepare litigation documents
- We advocate for you in the courts